Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Verwood Concert Brass goes Quackers at Potterne Park!

The Verwood Rotary Rustic Fayre is always a good event and this year did not disappoint.  The band played three sets which drew a large crowd.  Never before have there been a set of 4 timps at Potterne Park but the percussion section excelled themselves.

Our fundraising raising duck race followed. 1,000 small plastic ducks were hurled into the River Crane and then followed a perilous route to the finish line. Duck number 644 was a clear winner.  This was followed by duck numbers 205 and 723. Congratulations to the three prize winners.

Retrieving ducks was an interesting exercise as some of the river is well over a meter deep.  One or two got rather wetter than planned and the water was pretty cold but it was a very successful event!