Thursday, 25 June 2015

Cranborne Manor

Saturday 20th June
A great job by the Training Band this afternoon. Despite a little bit of drizzle just before the off the weather held to allow us to provide musical entertainment at our annual gig at the Cranborne Church Fete.

It is a delightful setting in the grounds of Cranborne Manor providing a wonderfully quaint and traditional village fete atmosphere which loads of people attend.

Well done to Ann Mayo (VCB Town Band Cornet player) for conducting the band in place of usual conductor Mike Dunnings.The organisers were delighted to have the band along to play once again saying it was the best they had heard us yet!

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Town Band Picnic in the Park

Sunday 14th June

That went down well! VCB's first Free Picinic in the Park Concert held at the Verwood Rec saw lots of people come out for a relaxing Sunday afternoon to enjoy the warm weather and an entertaining concert by the Town Band.

Lots of photos (courtesy of Sally Mullins and John Larry) of a very enjoyable event. No doubt some of these will be appearing as band members profile pictures!


Roll on the next Picnic in the Park Concert which will be on Sun 5th July by the Principal band of VCB.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Zetland Court

Saturday June 6th 

The Verwood Concert Brass Concert Band had its first summer season gig playing at the Zetland Court Garden Fete on Saturday afternoon.

Zetland Court is a carehome in Bournemouth run by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution. Blessed with good weather it was great to provide entertainment for the hundreds of people attending the fete.

A nice setting too, playing on the veranda overlooking the gardens and the various fete stalls.

Thanks to Ed March for relinquishing his bass trombone to wave the baton whilst usual conductor, Kevin Smith, was on other duties.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

A Brilliant Training Band Coffee Morning Concert!

Saturday June 6th

It just gets better. The stage at the memorial hall was packed with the training band players as was the hall itself with so many friends, family and supporters coming to enjoy the event.

 As it is difficult for the audience to see all the youngsters on stage Band Master, Mike Dunnings, asked all those age 15 and under to take their bow at the front of the stage - there are now 18 of them. Wow!

We also had some solo's during the break and a great set from the Acorns, the new learner group, under the direction of Sophie Howes. All four of the Acorns also played brilliant solo's too.

The event was also an occasion for cheque presentations. First up was the presentation to Breakthrough Breast Cancer of a cheque for £4,410.22 raised from the Blushing Brass Charity Concert a month ago performed by the ladies of VCB and Boobs & Brass organised by Jan Tiller. Receiving the donation, Jean Murray said it would go a long way to help in the fight against breast cancer and the organisation was absolutely delighted to receive such a wonderful amount, thanking Jan and everyone who took part.

As well as giving out cheques, we received one too. During her term in office as the Lady Mayor of Verwood, Pat Morrow had chosen the Training Band to be one of her nominated charities. So what an apt occasion for her to come and present us with her donation - a fabulous £1,063. Pat was full of praise for the band and explained how it had supported her by playing at various civic events to the envy of other mayors throughout Dorset. A very big thank you to Pat.

Well done to everyone for a fabulous Coffee Morning Concert