Tuesday, 25 June 2013

BLUSHING BRASS - Supporting Break Through Breastcancer.

Saturday 22nd June 2013

The ladies of VCB spent a day rehearsing with our MD Kevin Smith.  We did have some time off in the afternoon for good behaviour and enjoyed a little pampering where hair, nails and bodies had the opportunity for a bit of a make-over.  Those giving the treatments donated all their takings to the fundraising, so a big thanks to Lynn, Sophie and Emma.

By 5pm, Verwood Memorial Hall had been transformed into a setting like 'Confetti' with pink and purple tables covered in glitter and a centre point of a cake stand filled with fabulous cup cakes.
The concert went down a storm and the audience were delighted to be waited upon by the VCB waiters, Kieron, Robert and Robin who looked like bouncers but had no work in that field as the audience were all very well behaved!

We were very privileged to be able to perform a piece of music that was written specially for the occasion by Derek Broadbent.  Easy on the Eye, Easy on the Ear went down a storm  - and for the less able musicians it was actually quite difficult to play, Derek!!
There were many thanks required to all who made the day possible, but the biggest had to go to Jan Tiller who had the vision and made it happen and also to Sally Mullins and her mum and dad, Kate and Clive Ward who spent their entire day preparing food, collecting crockery and washing up.

This e mail received the following day sums up the view of the audience -

"What a wonderful evening – please thank everyone involved in making it such a success – the ladies in the band, the extra-ordinary members, the waiters, everyone.  The hall was a delight to walk into, it must have taken hours to prepare.  Do hope you all enjoyed your long day rehearsing and preparing for the evening – you must have all been shattered but on a high. The cakes were something else !!!

We really enjoyed Easy on the Eye, Easy on the Ear and hope we can hear it again sometime in the future. "  -  Michael